
EDC de Elektro

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A problem has been detected and ATAI has been shut down to prevent damage to your system.
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart the droid. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check to make sure any hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any ATAI updates you might need.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
Technical information: *** STOP: 0x0000008E(0x0000005, 0xBF80A39A, 0xAL76EEC48, 0x00000000) DRIVER.SYS.ADRESS BF80A39A BASE AT BF8000000, DATESTAMP 45F013F6
Beginning dump of physical memory
[11:00] Battery fully charged, dream exiting...
[12:48] Device corrupt, material attack from the system, get out of here !
[13:22] Processor corrupted, the system need to be repared NOW .
[16:10] Energy leak, the battery need to be changed.
[16:15] Essential data moved on RAM.
[16:16] Memory drive shutdown.
[17:30] Memory dumped on /dev/ethernet/home .
[18:07] Battery low (25%) .
[22:21] Movements halted : the motors are too damaged.
[22:25] Processor heat too high, ventilators activateds
[22:25] Can't execute vent-on()
[22:25] Debug mode activated, retry...
[22:26] Can't execute vent-on()
[22:31] Execution moved on graphic processor.
[22:32] Kernel unstable, system NEED to be halted.
[22:45] Halt process, please wait... ( argument logto(journal) )
[22:46] Video logto find
[22:46] Elektro00121 commence a faiblir, une lumiere rouge clignote derriere son dos, il sent s'éteindre dans n'importe quel moment.
[22:47] Elektro00121: Pourvu que ca soit pas la dernière...
[22:47] Elektro00121 prit une grande inspiration, regarda une dernière fois le ciel et se laissa tomber dans le coma.
[22:49] Elektro00121 est inconscient, devant le résultat d'un seul homme...

[22:50] System halted
Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.
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